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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lying in bed recovering from a triple hernia at the mo

. . . just devoured the second re-print © 1991 of 'Gertrude & Alice' by Diana Souhami (the new softcover by I. B. Tauris - 978-1-84885-148-1), I quote from Gertrude Stein; 'Dead is dead yes dead is really dead, yes to be dead is to be really dead yes to be dead, is to be really dead'.
It took me back to the 1960s when I first read her 'Tender Buttons', way back into the early times of cubism, break-way literature and most drastically, the second death, the long demise of her widow, Alice - 'Her pussy, her little jew'. Then blow me down late tonight we learn of the death in Manhattan of the sculptor - Louise Bourgeois at 98 years - delightfully, all three ladies she were subversive to the end!

Then this morning, early I received a get-well email from Janet Gibson in Palo Alto, Califrornia - she sends me a (flash-glam-trash) link to Louise posing for that famous Mapplethorpe image we googled at in Sydney all those years ago. I think back to all the articles I've read, especially the Parkett #27 where she collaborated on the issue with Robert Gober. Her multiple for that edition is reproduced below. . . (looks like what the surgeon did to my guts)!

Our friend Dr Debra Porch sent this link today to Barbara and Jay

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