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Friday, November 16, 2012

Sydney this weekend is the place to be - Peter Tyndall at ASG and Francis Bacon at AGNSW

This handmade personal invite (above) arrived in the snail mail from Peter and then the email version dropped into the inbox days later. Doug Hall the curator tells me he has dug deep into the depths of Bonzaview and Flinders Lane to create this latest 'detail'.
Peter, Doug and I exchange emails on numerous topics, daily-weekly as the constant themes we follow evolve to a point of becoming artworks, blog posts or simple visual exchange. I'll be there at 3:00pm is some form or another!
Doug Hall's opening address - Here.
More Sydney Tyndall press - Here.
Followers of ephemeral-male will always see Peter's blog around the top of the list of blogs I follow as he posts continually, when not making art or a meal.


  1. Thanks so much, Mal. Muchos Appreciados!

    Am just now off the phone with Anna confirming final placements - sounds
    like racing season continues. Doug has arrived there in the last hour. Seems
    it's all happening; and I'm feeling nervous, which is actually fun.

    I enjoyed doing those hand made cards. We ephemera(l) pholk don't give up on
    40 yours of paper invites so easily. Suddenly, they are are another thing of
    the past. Next newspapers, and our wee collections take on a small new

    Have been busy of late with various preparations for Sydney, hence the blog
    gap. I'm hoping to post something I've prepared later today, in a similar
    vein to yours but a bit diff.

    Tomorrow I'll fly up and back for the opening and lots of fleeting
    catch-ups. A couple of sales already, after a long drought. Phew! And
    thoughts of Chris, too, with all of this.



  2. Huge nite @ the bacon bash @ agnsw.

    PT tomorrow @ ASGS sydney promises a big gathering.

    He's much admired.

