I guess the tintypes are from around 1860 and these cards must date around 1880 . . . it is interesting to see Poulsen's studio at the same address as that of Gove & Allen. With the photographic portrait mounted on the large card (4.5" x 6.5") we are also starting to see a more sartorial side sneaking into the studio set up at last.
I might add that in the late 1960s after finishing art school, my first job was as an advertising cadet at McWhirters in the Valley. I ran briefs/layouts and merchandise to the illustrators & photographers all over the city, Poulsen Studios were still in business then - I still remember the lady who ran the studio; Gem Fulcher was her name. The man who ran Myer advertising where I worked was her brother Max Fulcher. It might have been my first job but I can tell you it was Maddison Avenue baby, everyone in those days dressed like they were going to a romp, believe me!

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